Calli and crafts

Antica Locanda Sturion

Blog > "CALLI" and CRAFTS


Today I’ll tell you something curious about Venetian "Calle". First of all I’ll explain wha is the "Calle" in Venice... It’s our street, it comes from the Latin "Callis" and it means path or lane. Like all the streets also the "Calli" have a name.

The names of the Calli are all hand-painted on the "nizioleti" (1). There are about 3000 Calli in the city, the narrowest are called "Calleselle" or "Callette" while the largest and the main are "Calle larga" or "Salizada"...Often the names of the "Calli" has the name of the craft that was practiced in that area strictly written in the Venetian language. Here are some examples.CALLE DEL SCALETER: in the past the "scaleter" was the pastry chefCALLE DEL TESTOR: the silk cloth weaverCALLE DEI NOMBOLI: there were butchers in the areaCALLE DEL BIAVAROL: still often used by the venetians, the Biavarol was the grocery storeCALLE DEL SCOAZZER: the garbage manCALLE DEL REMER: artisan who built oarsCALLE DELLE MOSCHE: the "mosca" was the fake mole that women used to be more beautiful.Some Calli has the name of the noble family that lived in the area as Calle Priuli dei Cavalletti, Calle Dolfin or an important event that must be remembered as the Calle degli Assassini (in Englisch murderers). From the name it is clear that in the area were consumed several crimes because in the "Calle" it was easy to hide as dark and ideal for ambushes.The Calle dello Storione takes its name from an osteria (it was like a tavern) remembered for the sign of the Sturgeon that stood above the Riva del Vin... today the Sturion is the hotel from where I am writing...Near the Calle dello Storione there is the Calle dei Cinque... Who were the 5? They were a charge of the judiciary formed by 5 noble elders and they had to take care of bringing peace. They dealt with popular disputes that did not involve corporal penalties. They could ban from the city and apply fines. In the Calle dei 5 there was their seat. The fifths were established in the thirteenth century and until the end of 1200 the office was given to the clergy.(1) NIZIOLETO: Venetian term for "sheet". It is a white wall painting where the names of the Calli, the Canali or the indications to the most important points of interest are hand paintedI contenuti presenti sul blog "50ShadesOfVenice" dei quali è autore il proprietario del blog non possono essere copiati,riprodotti,pubblicati o redistribuiti perché appartenenti all'autore stesso.E’ vietata la copia e la riproduzione dei contenuti in qualsiasi modo o forma.E’ vietata la pubblicazione e la redistribuzione dei contenuti non autorizzata espressamente dall’autore.Copyright © 2010 - 2021 #50shadesofvenice by Antica Locanda Sturion Residenza d'Epoca. All rights reserved